Linguas muskogees
familia de linguas
As linguas muskogees[1] son unha familia lingüística do sueste dos Estados Unidos de América. Malia que non hai un claro consenso no tocante á súa interrelación, as linguas muskogees son xeralmente divididas en dúas pólas, o muskogee occidental e o oriental. Son linguas aglutinantes.
editarA familia muskogee consta de seis linguas que aínda se falan na actualidade: alabama, chickasaw, choctaw, creek-seminole, koasati e mikasuki, así como as extintas apalachee, houma e hitchiti (considerada como un dialecto do mikasuki).[2] "Seminole" é listado como unha lingua muskogee na clasificación de Hardy, pero xeralmente é considerado un dialecto do creek, máis que unha lingua separada.
Clasificación de Haas
editar- Muskogee occidental
- Muskogee oriental
- Creek-Seminole (tamén chamado Muskogee, Maskoke, Seminole)
- Hitchiti-Mikasuki (tamén chamado Miccosukee)
- Apalachee–Alabama–Koasati
Clasificación de Munro
editarMuskogee setentrional:
Muskogee meridional:
editar- ↑ Definición de muskogee* no Dicionario de Galego de Ir Indo e a Xunta de Galicia.
- ↑ Hardy 2005, páx. 69
Véxase tamén
editar- Booker, Karen. (2005). "Muskogean Historical Phonology." In Hardy & Scancarelli 2005, pp. 246–298.
- Broadwell, George Aaron. (1992). Reconstructing Proto-Muskogean Language and Prehistory: Preliminary Results Arquivado 07 de xaneiro de 2006 en Wayback Machine. (PDF). Paper presented at the Southern Anthropological Society, St. Augustine, FL. Consultado o 3 de maio de 2009.
- Campbell, Lyle. (1997). American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America. Nova York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-509427-1.
- Coker, William S. (1999) "Pensacola, 1686-1821." in Judith Anne Bense. (1999) Editor. Archaeology of colonial Pensacola. University Press of Florida. ISBN 0-8130-1661-4 Found at Google Books
- Crawford, James M. (Ed.). (1975a). Studies in Southeastern Indian Languages. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
- Crawford, James M. (1975b). "Southeastern Indian Languages". In Crawford (ed.) 1975, pp. 1–120.
- Goddard, Ives (Ed.). (1996). Languages. Handbook of North American Indians (W. C. Sturtevant, General Ed.) (Vol. 17). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. ISBN 0-16-048774-9.
- Haas, Mary (1951). "The Proto-Gulf word for water (with notes on Siouan–Yuchi)". International Journal of American Linguistics 17: 71–79.
- Haas, Mary. (1952). "The Proto-Gulf word for 'land' (with notes on Proto-Siouan)". International Journal of American Linguistics 18:238–240.
- Haas, Mary. (1973). "The Southeast". In T. A. Sebeok (Ed.), Linguistics in North America (part 2, pp. 1210–1249). The Hague: Mouton.
- Hardy, Heather. (2005). "Introduction". In Hardy & Scancarelli 2005, pp. 69–74.
- Hardy, Heather & Janine Scancarelli. (2005). Native Languages of the Southeastern United States. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
- Hopkins, Nicholas A. The Native Languages of the Southeastern United States (PDF). Report for the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. Consultado o 3 de maio de 2009.
- Martin, Jack B. & Pamela Munro. (2005). "Proto-Muskogean Morphology". in Hardy & Scancarelli eds., pp. 299–320
- Milanich, Jerald T. (1995). Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. ISBN 0-8130-1360-7
- Mithun, Marianne. (1999). The languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-23228-7 (hbk); ISBN 0-521-29875-X.
- Sebeok, Thomas A. (Ed.). (1973). Linguistics in North America (parts 1 & 2). Current trends in linguistics (Vol. 10). The Hague: Mouton. (Reprinted as Sebeok 1976).
- Sturtevant, William C. (Ed.). (1978–present). Handbook of North American Indians (Vol. 1–20). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. (Vols. 1–3, 16, 18–20 not yet published).
- Sturtevant, William C. (1994). "The Misconnection of Guale and Yamasee with Muskogean". International Journal of American Linguistics 60:139–148.
- Swanton, John Reed. (1952) The Indian Tribes of North America. Atopado en Google Books
Ligazóns externas
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