recoñecemento – Debe indicar a debida atribución de autoría, fornecer unha ligazón á licenza e indicar se se realizaron cambios. Pode facer isto de calquera forma razoable, mais non nunha forma que indique que quen posúe a licenza apoia ou subscribe o seu uso da obra.
compartir igual – Se altera, transforma ou amplía este contido, debe publicar as súas contribucións baixo a mesma licenza ou outra compatible á orixinal.
The photographical reproduction of this work is covered under the article §93 of the Irish copyright law, which states that it is permitted for photographers to take pictures of sculptures, buildings, and works of artistic craftsmanship that are permanently located in a public place or premises open to the public, and to publish such pictures in any way.
See COM:CRT/Ireland#Freedom of panorama for more information.