Ficheiro orixinal (1.109 × 1.063 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 347 kB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

English: Stolperstein ("stumbling block") in Cologne, Germany, of Artist de:Gunter Demnig, in memoriam Nazi victims who lived in everybody's neighbourhood.

Translation of the text used on the photo:

  1. Here lived
    Erich Löbenstein
    born 1898
    deported 1941
  2. Here lived
    Ella Löbenstein
    maiden name: David
    born 1897
    deported 1941
  3. Here lived
    Gustav Meyer
    born 1880
    fled to the Netherlands 1939
    murdered in Oświęcim
  4. Here lived
    Johanna Meyer
    maiden name: Bleydenstein
    born 1899
    fled to the Netherlands 1939
    murdered in Oświęcim
Orixe Obra propia
Autoría Elke Wetzig (User:Elya)

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actual21 de novembro de 2004 ás 12:55Miniatura da versión ás 12:55 do 21 de novembro de 20041.109 × 1.063 (347 kB)ElyaStolperstein in Cologne, of Artist Gunter Demnig

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