English: Slime mold solves maze. The mold (yellow) explored and filled the maze (left). When the researchers placed sugar (red) at 2 separate points, the mold concentrated most of its mass there and left only the most efficient connection between the two points.
Ref:Nakagaki, T., Yamada H. and Tóth, Á. (September 2000). "Intelligence: Maze-solving by an amoeboid organism". Nature407 (6803): 470. DOI:10.1038/35035159. PMID11028990. Retrieved on 2008-09-03.
3 de setembro de 2008 (data de subida orixinal)
Obra propia (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.)
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2008-09-03 10:39 Philcha 540×255× (66936 bytes) {{Information |Description=Slime mold solves maze. The mold explored and filled the maze (left). When the researchers placed sugar at 2 spearate points, the mold concentrated most of its mass there and left only the most efficient connection between the t
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