O autor desta obra, anat zilker, liberouna e agora pertence ao dominio público. Isto é válido en todo o mundo. Nalgúns países, isto pode non ser legalmente posible; entón: anat zilker concede a calquera o dereito de empregar esta obra para o propósito que considere oportuno, sen condicións, agás aquelas que sexan requiridas pola lei.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
The reproduction of this architectural work, work of sculpture or work of applied art, is covered under the Israeli copyright statute (2007), which states that "Broadcasting, or copying by way of photography, drawing, sketch or similar visual description, of an architectural work, a work of sculpture or work of applied art, are permitted where the aforesaid work is permanently situated in a public place." (paragraph 23) See COM:CRT/Israel#Freedom of panorama and COM:CRT/Israel#De minimis for more information.
This file has been submitted through the Israeli Pikiwiki project and uploaded here automatically.
The project is cooperation between the Israel Internet Association and Wikimedia Israel in an effort to promote the concept of free content on the Web, by creating an image collection of digital-format, good quality photographs, documenting events relating to the history of Israel, or depicting places of distinction in Israel and the Middle East. The Pikiwiki Project is managed from 2021 by the "Heritage Stones" group.
{{Information |Description={{en|Ashdod, Geography of Israel}} {{he|פסל באשדוד יצירת הפסל ברוך וינד - שמשון הגיבור לזכר גיבורי השואה ומלחמות ישראל., Original Image Name:שמשון הגיבור
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