Hi Christian:
I'm Marty Lucas, am the author of, and own all copyright in the image of
Lilium michiganense posted on my website at:
http://www.bigeastern.com/eotp/images/lilium_michiganense_closeup.jpgarchive copy at the Wayback Machine
I hereby license this image under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).
background info: photographed by Marty Lucas 12 July, 2003, on a ditch
bank near English Lake in Starke County, Indiana USA.
I've also attached a couple of previously unpublished photos of the same
species, one taken in 2003 and the other in 2004. I am the author of and
own all copyrights in these images and hereby license them under the
terms of the GFDL, if perchance you may find them useful.
Marty Lucas
http://www.bigeastern.com/archive copy at the Wayback Machine
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Pés de foto
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== Summary == {{deutsch}} *Beschreibung: ''Lilium michiganense'' *Quelle: Foto von Marty Lucas, per Email an mich {{english}} *Description: ''Lilium michiganense'' *Source: Photo by Marty Lucas, via Email to me == Licensing == Here ist the Email with th
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