Name of Image: Juno I -- Explorer I
MIX #: 9801800
NIX #: MSFC-9801800
Date of Image: 1958-01-31
Category: Early Rockets
Full Description: Juno I, a slightly modified Jupiter-C launch vehicle, shortly before the January 31, 1958 launch of America's first satellite, Explorer I. The Jupiter-C, developed by Dr. Wernher von Braun and the rocket team at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, consisted of a modified version of the Redstone rocket's first stage and two upper stages of clustered Baby Sergeant rockets developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
(MRPO) MRD/SPD Discipline(s): n/a
(MRPO) Subject Type: n/a
Keywords: Juno 1, Jupiter-C, Explorer I
MSFC Negative Number: 9801800
Reference Number: MSFC-75-SA-4105-2C
n/a n/a
A páxina web da NASA proporciona un gran número de imaxes dos soviéticos/ da axencia rusa do espazo e outras axencias espaciais non norteamericanas. Esta non están necesariamente no dominio público.
Name of Image: Juno I -- Explorer I<br> MIX #: 9801800<br> NIX #: MSFC-9801800<br> Date of Image: 1958-01-31<br> Category: Early Rockets<br> Full Description: Juno I, a slightly modified Jupiter-C launch vehicle, shortly before the January 31
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