Ficheiro orixinal (ficheiro SVG; resolución de 665 × 667 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 8 kB)


Afrikaans: 'n Uitbeelding van die atoomstruktuur van die heliumatoom. Een femtometer (wit stafie) word teenoor die atoomkern aangedui, en een ångströmlengte (swart stafie) teenoor die hele atoom. Die donkerte van die elektronwolk stem met die siglyn-integraal oor die waarskynlikheidsfunksie van die elektron se 1s-atoomorbitaal ooreen. Die vergrote kern is skematies en toon protone in rooi en neutrone in pers. In werklikheid is die golffunksie van die kern soos elkeen van die nukleone ook sferies simmetries en 1s, en die vier deeltjies, elk met 'n ander kwantumgetal, sal soos die elektrone almal in dieselfde mees waarskynlike ruimte verkeer, naamlik in die presiese middelpunt van die kern. Vir meer komplekse kerne is dit egter nie die geval nie. Met dank aan Åke Back.
English: A depiction of the atomic structure of the helium atom. The darkness of the electron cloud corresponds to the line-of-sight integral over the probability function of the 1s atomic orbital of the electron. The magnified nucleus is schematic, showing protons in red and neutrons in purple. In reality, the nucleus (and the wavefunction of each of the nucleons) is also spherically symmetric and 1s, and the four particles, each with a different quantum number, like the electrons in the helium atom, are all most likely to be found in the same space, at the exact center of the nucleus. (For more complicated nuclei this is not the case. Thanks to Åke Back.)
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The helium atom, the smallest of atoms, has a nucleus (pink) consisting of two protons (red) and two neutrons (purple). The fuzzy cloud is the electron probability cloud, with darker regions of the cloud indicating where the electron most likely is.

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actual20 de outubro de 2020 ás 09:27Miniatura da versión ás 09:27 do 20 de outubro de 2020665 × 667 (8 kB)Mykhalmore usual/natural SI unit
10 de xuño de 2011 ás 18:52Miniatura da versión ás 18:52 do 10 de xuño de 2011665 × 667 (10 kB)Jorge StolfiReplaced "Ångström" by "Å" and changed the font sizes. Note that the name of the unit varies from language to language (and it is lowercase "angstrom" in English, not "Ångström" or "ångström") while the symbol is "Å" in all languages.
26 de decembro de 2007 ás 11:40Miniatura da versión ás 11:40 do 26 de decembro de 2007665 × 667 (10 kB)Bromskloss"o" → "ö"
18 de xullo de 2007 ás 21:56Miniatura da versión ás 21:56 do 18 de xullo de 2007665 × 667 (10 kB)Oleg AlexandrovMove the text a bit so that it does not overlap on itself
15 de xuño de 2007 ás 10:38Miniatura da versión ás 10:38 do 15 de xuño de 2007665 × 667 (9 kB)Yzmo== Summary == {{Information |Description=A depiction of the atomic structure of the en:helium atom. The darkness of the en:electron cloud corresponds to the line-of-sight integral over the en:probability function of the 1

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