English: Two German shepherds in a ravine in Oklahoma USA. Taken specifically for the Wikipedia German shepherd page, as it shows better examples of GSD color having both a sable and a bi-color, it has dogs that do NOT have fur standing out from their body (per the AKC and SV standards), shows the "secondary sexual characteristics" called for by the AKC and SV standards, continues the old picture's justification of the dogs being in natural positions (sitting and standing) as opposed to a stack, and most importantly, does NOT have the dogs wearing collars which flattens the coat and interferes with their lines.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Two German shepherds in a ravine in Oklahoma USA. Taken specifically for the Wikipedia German shepherd page, as it shows better examples of GSD color having both a sable and a bi-color, it has dogs that do NOT have fur s
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