English: The former Laboratory of Microbiology of the Delft University of Technology at Nieuwelaan 1 in Delft, the Netherlands. Here worked Martinus Beijerinck from 1897 to 1921 and discovered viruses in 1898. Other prominent microbiologists who worked here were Albert Kluyver and Cornelis van Niel. The building had its original use from 1897 to 1957 and is now in use as apartment building. This picture was taken in April 2010.
Nederlands: Het voormalige laboratorium voor microbiologie van de Technische Universiteit Delft aan de Nieuwelaan 1 te Delft. Hier werkte Martinus Beijerinck van 1897 tot 1921, die hier in 1898 virussen ontdekte. Andere prominente microbiologen die hier werkten waren Albert Kluyver en Cornelis van Niel. Het gebouw had zijn oorspronkelijke functie van 1897 tot 1957 en is nu in gebruik als appartementengebouw. Deze foto is genomen in april 2010.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=The former Delft School of Microbiology at the Nieuwelaan in Delft, the Netherlands. It was here that Martinus Beijerick lived and worked from 1895 to 1921 and discovered viruses in 1898. The building is now
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