Esta é unha imaxe retocada,en o que significa que a súa versión orixinal foi alterada dixitalmente. Modificacións: Renamed. A orixinal pódese ver aquí: Flag of Switzerland.svg.
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Esta imaxe de formas xeométricas simples non acada o umbral para aplicarlle dereitos de autoría e, xa que logo, está no dominio público, porque consiste integramente en información de propiedade común e non contén material ningún con autoría.
Esta imaxe representa unha bandeira, un escudo, un selo ou algunha outra insignia oficial. O uso destes símbolos está restrinxido en moitos países. Estas restricións son independentes do estado dos dereitos de autoría.
2010-02-16T05:20:43Z Reisio 320x320 (280 Bytes) we don't work for the swiss government / aren't we trying to represent _real_ flags?
2010-02-15T20:33:55Z Zscout370 320x320 (277 Bytes) I received another copy of the Swiss Government design manual; they stated for online use, the arms and flag must be #ff0000.
2009-11-30T22:19:48Z Zscout370 320x320 (280 Bytes) At a conference I went to, I was handed Swiss Army Regulation 51.340 D, about Swiss military flags. A construction sheet was provided and, while we had the cross sizes correct, it was loo large in accordance with the flag siz
2006-03-21T05:24:50Z -xfi- 600x600 (400 Bytes) "…arms of equal length are a sixth longer than their width…", not 6:5 but 7:6! dimensions set to 600×600, same colors, less bytes
2006-02-01T19:38:40Z Reisio 250x250 (592 Bytes) switch to Pantone corresponder, as per talk
2006-01-30T05:59:59Z Zscout370 250x250 (592 Bytes) Following instruction of colors used at
2005-12-20T13:34:46Z Reisio 250x250 (588 Bytes) cleanup s'more, add some info
2005-12-17T23:23:10Z Reisio 250x250 (471 Bytes) cleanup markup (don't seem to grasp the concept of cloning yet, s'pose I should look it up)
2005-12-16T07:18:28Z Zscout370 250x250 (1631 Bytes) I cloned the cross, no other changes.
2005-12-02T11:56:04Z E Pluribus Anthony 600x600 (913 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2005-12-02T11:55:14Z Reisio 250x250 (3359 Bytes) it doesn't, and it's clear you haven't researched this at all
2005-12-02T11:47:23Z E Pluribus Anthony 600x600 (913 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2005-12-02T11:31:25Z Reisio 250x250 (3359 Bytes) rv to previous version with proper cross dimensions
2005-12-02T10:49:04Z E Pluribus Anthony 600x600 (913 Bytes) Flag of Switzerland
2005-12-02T00:06:37Z Reisio 250x250 (3359 Bytes) brighter red
2005-10-15T01:32:54Z Zscout370 300x300 (1187 Bytes) also said Pantone 485 and 1805
2005-10-15T00:10:20Z Zscout370 300x300 (1187 Bytes) The Swiss Consul in Los Angeles, California sent me a package containing information about the flag. While they have not said anything about the color shades, I am going use R 246, G 0, B 39.
2005-10-12T01:45:27Z Zscout370 300x300 (1316 Bytes) I received an email from the Swiss Consul in Los Angeles, California, about how to make the flag. The said to make a 25x25 unit sqaure, make the white center sqaure 5x5 units, and each arm 5x6 units. I have fixed the flag acc
2005-10-09T23:50:47Z Zscout370 300x300 (3056 Bytes) The The national flag of Switzerland. I used as my construction sheet and the red I used was Pantone 485. [[Category:SVG flags]]
{{Information |Description={{cs|Vlajka Švýcarska.}} {{cy|Baner y Swisdir.}} {{da|Det Schweiziske flag.}} {{de|Die Nationalflagge der Schweiz.}} {{en|The national [[w:flag of Switzerland|flag of Switz
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