Esta é unha imaxe retocada,en o que significa que a súa versión orixinal foi alterada dixitalmente. Modificacións: {{{1}}}. A orixinal pódese ver aquí: Israel population density.png. As modificacións realizounas Cansado.
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The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), {{{filename}}}, ({{{access-date}}}), [{{{link}}} available online] copied and distributed as is in accordance with the CBS license.
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Rexistro de cargas orixinal
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2008-04-26T13:48:59Z Ynhockey 692x1575 (227122 Bytes) Eh, what a waste of HD space - made small mistake in last version in 112 sub-district (Beit Shemesh).
2008-04-26T13:45:05Z Ynhockey 750x1706 (248272 Bytes) Slightly changed coloring scheme - much more clear now IMO.
2007-11-03T22:47:21Z Ynhockey 750x1706 (336937 Bytes) Update for 2007, fixed the Jerusalem sub-district (was incorrect in the first place)
2007-07-28T01:36:07Z Ynhockey 750x1706 (337336 Bytes) More pronounced borders on districts, reduced width.
2007-07-28T01:29:22Z Ynhockey 822x1575 (326837 Bytes) {{Information |Description=Population density of Israel by geographical region, as defined by the government and CBS. |Source=self-made |Date=July 28, 2007 |Author= [[User:Ynhockey|Ynhockey]] }} {{GFDL-self}}