English: Example of genetic complementation.
Two strains of flies are white eyed because of two different autosomal recessive mutations which interrupt a single pigment-producing metabolic pathway at two different points. Flies from Strain 1 have complementary mutations to flies from Strain 2 because when they are crossed the offspring are able to complete the full metabolic pathway and thus have red eyes. A fly from Strain 1 is not complementary to another fly from Strain 1 because they both are homozygous for mutations affecting the same point in the pathway, so their offspring will be white-eyed.
Obra propia
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recoñecemento – Debe indicar a debida atribución de autoría, fornecer unha ligazón á licenza e indicar se se realizaron cambios. Pode facer isto de calquera forma razoable, mais non nunha forma que indique que quen posúe a licenza apoia ou subscribe o seu uso da obra.
compartir igual – Se altera, transforma ou amplía este contido, debe publicar as súas contribucións baixo a mesma licenza ou outra compatible á orixinal.
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