The factual accuracy of this file is disputed. Use of this image is discouraged. The image claims to depict bee waggle dance but uses an image of a hoverfly whose behaviour is completely different. You can use some other image from Category:Waggle_dance. Check the discussion page for details.
The angle from the sun indicates direction. The length of the curved part indicates the distance.
Composed and uploaded by Audriusa 18:25, 1 January 2006 (UTC)
Español: Figura cuarta: Angulo alfa del sol con la flor, velocidad de vuelo
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Bee dance (Waggle dance). Composed following the literature (see Waggle dance on English Wiki), using Commons images Image:Bee2.jpg, Image:Bee in flower.jpg and Image:Sunrise over the sea.jpg, all under GFDL. The angle from the sun indicates direction. T