Ficheiro:Areca catechu nuts at Kadavoor.jpg

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Areca catechu L.

English: The areca nut is the seed of Areca catechu, Betel Palm, Areca palm, Areca-nut palm, a species of palm which grows in much of the tropical Pacific, Asia, and parts of east Africa. The palm is believed to have originated in either Indonesia/Malaysia or the Philippines. Areca is derived from a local name from the Malabar Coast of India and catechu is from another Malay name for this palm, caccu.

This palm is often called the betel tree because its fruit, the areca nut, is often chewed along with the betel leaf, a leaf from a vine of the Piperaceae family.
Lugar representado
English: Kadavoor, Kerala, India.
Data 9 de outubro de 2009
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actual13 de xaneiro de 2014 ás 16:06Miniatura da versión ás 16:06 do 13 de xaneiro de 20142.736 × 3.648 (2,25 MB)Jkadavoor{{User:Jkadavoor/spec |Taxon=Areca catechu |Authority=L. |Description={{mld |en = The areca nut is the seed of ''{{w|Areca catechu}}'', Betel Palm, Areca palm, Areca-nut palm, a species of palm which grows in muc...

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