Atomic force microscope topographical scan of a glass surface. The micro and nano-scale features of the glass can be observed, portraying the roughness of the material. The image space is (x,y,z) = (20um x 20um x 420nm). The AFM used was the Veeco di CP-II, scanned in contact mode. Constructed at the Nanorobotics Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University (
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2009-02-19T17:43:06Z Linforest 401x326 (191303 Bytes) {{Information |Description=Atomic force microscope topographical scan of a glass surface. The micro and nano-scale features of the glass can be observed, portraying the roughness of the material. The image space is (x,y,z) =
{{Information |Description=Atomic force microscope topographical scan of a glass surface. The micro and nano-scale features of the glass can be observed, portraying the roughness of the material. The image space is (x,y,z) = (20um x 20um x 420nm). The AFM