British Museum Catalogues of Coins
British Museum Catalogues of Coins (en galego: "Catálogos de Moedas do Museo Británico") é unha serie editorial concibida e iniciada por Reginald Stuart Poole, conservador do Departamento de Moedas e Medallas do Museo Británico, entre 1870 e 1893. O obxectivo era acadar a edición de series de catálogos das coleccións de moedas do Museo Británico, con criterios académicos. O proxecto continuou logo do retiro do seu creador e mantense na actualidade, organizado, pola súa vez, en nove series.[1]
editarCatalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum
editarO editor desta serie foi o propio Reginald Stuart Poole e contou tamén coa participación, como autores, de Percy Gardner, Barclay Vincent Head, George Francis Hill, Warwick Wroth e Edward Stanley Gotch Robinson.
- Vol. 1 (1873): Italy. R. S. Poole.
- Vol. 2 (1876): Sicily. P. Gardner, B. V. Head e R. S. Poole.
- Vol. 3 (1877): The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, &c.. P. Gardner e B. V. Head.
- Vol. 4 (1878): Seleucid Kings of Syria. P. Gardner.
- Vol. 5 (1879): Macedonia, etc.. B. V. Head.
- Vol. 6 (1883): Thessaly to Aetolia. P. Gardner.
- Vol. 7 (1883): The Ptolemies, Kings of Egypt. R. S. Poole.
- Vol. 8 (1884): Central Greece (Locris, Phocis, Boeotia, and Euboea). B. V. Head.
- Vol. 9 (1886): Crete and the Aegean Islands. W. Wroth.
- Vol. 10 (1887): Peloponnesus (excluding Corinth). P. Gardner.
- Vol. 11 (1888): Attica-Megaris-Aegina. B. V. Head.
- Vol. 12 (1889): Corinth, colonies of Corinth, etc.. B. V. Head.
- Vol. 13 (1889): Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia, and the Kingdom of Bosporus. W. Wroth.
- Vol. 14 (1892): Ionia. B. V. Head.
- Vol. 15 (1892): Alexandria and the nomes. R. S. Poole.
- Vol. 16 (1894): Mysia. W. Wroth.
- Vol. 17 (1894): Troas, Aeolis, and Lesbos. W. Wroth.
- Vol. 18 (1897): Caria, Cos, Rhodes &c.. B. V. Head.
- Vol. 19 (1897): Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia. G. F. Hill.
- Vol. 20 (1898): Galatia, Cappadocia, and Syria. W. Wroth.
- Vol. 21 (1900): Lycaonia, Isauria, and Cilicia. G. F. Hill.
- Vol. 22 (1901): Lydia. B. V. Head.
- Vol. 23 (1904): Cyprus. G. F. Hill.
- Vol. 24 (1906): Phrygia. B. V. Head.
- Vol. 25 (1910): Phoenicia. G. F. Hill.
- Vol. 26 (1914): Palestine (Galilee, Samaria, and Judaea). G. F. Hill.
- Vol. 27: (1922). Arabia Mesopotamia, and Persia. G. F. Hill.
- Vol. 28 (1927): Cyrenaica. E. S. G. Robinson.
Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum
editarA edición desta serie foi responsabilidade de Harold Mattingly, Robert A. G. Carson e Philip V. Hill.
- Vol. 1 (1923): Augustus to Vitellius. H. Mattingly [2ª ed. 1976, por R. A. G. Carson].
- Vol. 2 (1930): Vespasian to Domitian. H. Mattingly [2ª ed. 1976, por R. A. G. Carson].
- Vol. 3 (1936): Nerva to Hadrian. H. Mattingly [2ª ed. 1976, por R. A. G. Carson].
- Vol. 4 (1940): Antoninus Pius to Commodus. H. Mattingly [2ª ed. 1968].
- Vol. 5 (1950): Pertinax to Elagabalus. H. Mattingly [2ª ed. 1975, por R. A. G. Carson e P. V. Hill].
- Vol. 6 (1962): Severus Alexander to Balbinus and Pupienus. R. A. G. Carson.
Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum
editarTodos os catálogos desta serie fotron preparados por Stanley Lane-Poole e editados por Reginald Stuart Poole.
- Vol. 1 (1875): The coins of the Eastern Khaleefehs in the British Museum.
- Vol. 2 (1876): The coins of the Mohammedan dynasties in the British Museum, classes III-X.
- Vol. 3 (1877): The coins of the Turkman houses of Seljook, Urtuk, Zengee, etc, in the British Museum, classes X-XIV.
- Vol. 4 (1879): The coinage of Egypt under the Fatimee Khaleefehs, the Ayyoobees ad the Memlook Sultans, classes XIVa-XV.
- Vol. 5 (1880): The coins of the Moors of Africa and Spain and the kings of the Yemen in the British Museum, classes XIVb-XXVII.
- Vol. 6 (1881): The coins of the Mongols in the British Museum, classes XVIII-XXII.
- Vol. 7 (1882): The coinage of Bukhara (Transoxiana) in the British Museum from the time of Timur to the present day, classes XXII- XXIII.
- Vol. 8 (1883): The coins of the Turks in the British Museum, class XXVI.
- Vol. 9 (1889): Additions to the Oriental collection 1876-1888, Part I: additions to vols I-IV.
- Vol. 10 (1890): Additions to the Oriental Collection 1876-1888, part II, additions to vols V-VIII.
Catalogue of Indian coins in the British Museum
editarOs catálogos desta serie foron compilados por Stanley Lane-Poole, Percy Gardner, Edward J. Rapson e John Allan, e o seu editor foi Reginald Stuart Poole.[2]
- Vol. 1 (1884): The coins of the sultans of Delhi in the British Museum. Stanley Lane Poole.
- Vol. 2 (1885): The coins of the Muhammadan states of India in the British Museum. Stanley Lane Poole.
- Vol. 3 (1886): The coins of the Greek and Scythic kings of Bactria and India in the British Museum. Percy Gardner.
- Vol. 4 (1892): The coins of the Moghul emperors of Hindustan in the British Museum. Stanley Lane Poole.
- Vol. 5 (1908): Catalogue of the coins of the Andhra dynasty, the Western Ksatrapas, the Traikutaka dynasty, and the "Bodhi" dynasty. E. J. Rapson.
- Vol. 6 (1914): Catalogue of the coins of the Gupta dynasties and of Sasanka, king of Guada. J. Allan.
- Vol. 7 (1936): Catalogue of the coins of ancient India. J. Allan.
Catalogue of Roman Provincial Coins
editar- Artigo principal: Roman Provincial Coinage.
Trátase dunha serie producida conxuntamente co Gabinete de Medallas da Biblioteca Nacional de Francia, e os seus autores e editores son Andrew Burnett, Michel Amandry, Pere Pau Ripollès, Ian Carradice e Marguerite Spoerri.
- Vol. 1 (1992): From the death of Caesar to the death of Vitellius (44 BC-AD 69). A. Burnett, M. Amandry e P. P. Ripollès [reimpreso e corrixido en 1998]. ISBN 978-0714108711
- Supl. 1 (1998): Roman provincial coinage: supplement 1. A. Burnett, M. Amandry e P.P. Ripollès. ISBN 978-2717720495
- Vol. 2 (1999): From Vespasian to Domitian (AD 69-96). A. Burnett, M. Amandry e I. Carradice. ISBN 978-0714108988
- Vol. 7 (2006): De Gordien Ier à Gordien III (238-244 après J.-C.), Province d'Asie. M. Spoerri Butcher. ISBN 978-2717723038
Outros catálogos relativos a Europa (moeda antiga)
editar- (1814). Veterum populorum et regum numi qui in Musèo Britannico adservantur. T. Coomb.
- (1874). Roman medallions in the British Museum. H. A. Grueber.
- (1910). Coins of the Roman Republic in the British Museum. H. A. Grueber.
- Vol. 1. Aes rude, aes signatum, aes grave, and coinage of Rome from B.C. 268.
- Vol. 2. Coinages of Rome (continued), Roman Campania, Italy, The social war and the provinces.
- Vol. 3. Tables of finds and cognomina, indexes, plates, etc. [2ª ed. 1970, por R. A. G. Carson e M. H. Crawford].
- (1987-1995). Catalogue of the Celtic coins in the British Museum: with supplementary material from other British collections. Derek Allen, John Kent e M. Mays.
- Vol. 1 (1987): Silver coins of the East Celts and Balkan peoples. ISBN 9780714108636
- Vol. 2 (1987): Silver coins of North Italy, South and Central France, Switzerland and South Germany. ISBN 9780714108636
- Vol. 3 (1995): The bronze coins of Gaul. ISBN 978-0714108780
- (1991). Coins of Alexandria and the Nomes: a supplement to the British Museum. E. Christiansen. ISBN 9780861590773
- (1991). The coinage in the name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus: a British Museum catalogue. Dous volumes. Martin J. Price. ISBN 9783908103004
- (1992). Sylloge Numorum Graecorum (Great Britain). The British Museum. Part 1, The Black Sea. Martin J. Price. ISBN 9780197260715
- (1996). British Iron Age coins in the British Museum. R. Hobbs. ISBN 9780714108766
- (2002). Sylloge Numorum Graecorum (Great Britain). The British Museum. Part 2, Spain. P. Bagwell Purefoy e A. Meadows. ISBN 9780714118024
- (2010). A catalogue of the Roman Republican Coins in the British Museum, with descriptions and chronology based on M.H. Crawford, Roman Republican Coinage (1974). E. Ghey, I. Leins e M. H. Crawford.
Outros catálogos relativos a Europa (moeda medieval e moderna)
editar- (1826). Description of the Anglo-Gallic coins in the British Museum. T. Coomb.
- (1860). English copper, tin and bronze coins in the British Museum, 1558-1958. C. W. Peck.
- (1887). Catalogue of English coins in the British Museum. Anglo-Saxon series, vol. 1. C. F. Keary.
- (1893). Catalogue of English coins in the British Museum. Anglo-Saxon series, vol. 2 (Wessex and England to the Norman Conquest). C. F. Keary e H. A. Grueber.
- (1908). Catalogue of the imperial Byzantine coins in the British Museum. Dous volumes. W. Wroth.
- (1911). Catalogue of the coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards and of the empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and Trebizond in the British Museum. W. Wroth.
- (1916). Catalogue of English coins in the British Museum. The Norman Kings (2 vols). G. C. Brooke.
- Vol. 1. Introduction, Tables and Plates.
- Vol. 2. Catalogue and Indexes.
- (1951). A catalogue of English coins in the British Museum. The cross-and-crosslets ('Tealby') type of Henry II. Derek F. Allen.
- (1966). The Hiberno-Norse coins in the British Museum. Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles. 8. R. H. M. Dolley.
- (1966). The Carolingian coins in the British Museum. R. H. M. Dolley e K .F. Morrison.
- (1986). Anglo-Saxon coins. Athelstan to the reform of Edgar, 924-c.973. Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles 34, British Museum. Marion M. Archibald e Christopher E. Blunt. ISBN 9780714108544
- (2010). Paper money of England and Wales. C. Eagletone A. Manopoulou.
Outros catálogos relativos a Asia
editar- (1887). The coins of the sháhs of Persia, Safavis, Afgháns, Efsháris, Zands, and Kájárs. R. S. Poole.
- (1892). Catalogue of Chinese coins from the VIIth century B.C., to A.D. 621, including the series in the British Museum. A. Terrien de Lacouperie.
- (1903). Catalogue of the coins of Parthia. W. Wroth
- (1941). Catalogue of the Arab-Sassanian coins (Umaiyad governors in the East, Arab-Ephthalites, ‘Abassid governors in Tabaristan and Bukhara). J. Walker.
- (1956). Catalogue of the Arab-Byzantine and post-reform Umaiyad coins. J. Walker.
- (1992). A catalogue of sycee in the British Museum: Chinese currency ingots, c.1750-1933. Joe Cribb. ISBN 978-0714108735
- (1999). Magic coins of Java, Bali and the Malay Peninsula. Joe Cribb. ISBN 978-0714108810
- (1999). Catalogue of the Aksumite coins in the British Museum. S. Munro-Hay. ISBN 978-0714108834
- (2004). Money on the Silk Road: the evidence from Eastern Central Asia to c. AD 800. Hellen Wang. ISBN 978-0714118062
- (2010). Catalogue of the Japanese coin collection (pre-Meiji) at the British Museum. S. Sakuraki, Helen Wang, P. Kornicki, N. Furuta, T. Screech e J. Cribb. ISBN 978-0861591749
- (2011). Catalogue of Sikh Coins in the British Museum. Paramdip Kaur Khera. ISBN 9780861591909
Outros catálogos relativos a medallas e insignias
editar- (1930). A corpus of Italian medals of the renaissance before Cellini. George F. Hill.
- (1982). A catalogue of the French medals in the British Museum, vol. 1, AD 1402-1610. M. Jones. ISBN 9780714108551
- (1988). A catalogue of the French medals in the British Museum, vol. 2, 1600-1672. M. Jones. ISBN 9780714108551
- (2003). Italian Medals c. 1530-1600 in British public collections. P. Attwood. ISBN 9780714108612
- (2008). Chairman Mao badges: symbols and slogans of the Cultural Revolution. Hellen Wang. ISBN 9780861591695
editar- ↑ Hinton, M. (2011).
- ↑ Wang, H.; Errington, E. (2019).
Véxase tamén
editarOutros artigos
editar- Hinton, M. (2011). "Numismatic Publications of the British Museum". En Barrie Cook (ed.). (2011). The British Museum and the Future of UK Numismatics: Proceedings of a conference held to mark the 150th anniversary of the British Museum's Department of Coins and Medals, 2011. British Museum Research Publication. 183. Páxinas 87-90. ISBN 978-086159-183-1
- Wang, H.; Errington, E. (2019). "The British Museum Catalogues of Indian Coins". En Sushmita Basu Majumdar e Bose, S. K. (eds.). Money and Money Matters in Pre-Modern South Asia. Manohar. Páxinas 3-30. ISBN 978-9388540063